Membership Primary Care: Transforming Family Medicine Is Key to Healthcare Reform

by Robert T. Bailey, PharmD, MD

In the United States, family medicine and primary care are on the verge of extinction. The biggest problem that has defined this issue is the lack of time physicians must spend with their patients, which, on average, is only seven minutes. Since the resources and reimbursement for primary care doctors are so razor thin, these physicians must build up panels of patients reaching into the thousands so they can run 25-30 patients through their office in one day. This is an unsustainable vicious cycle, as more resources are required for these number of patients, dramatically increasing the doctor’s overhead.

Dr. Bailey has spent the past 45 years in the medical field and has seen the role of family medicine diminish significantly, to the detriment of the patients and their health. He has developed a model that puts the primary care physician back at the center of healthcare and improves patient care coordination.

In Membership Primary Care: Transforming Family Medicine Is Key to Healthcare Reform, Robert T. Bailey, PharmD, MD, shares revelatory wisdom that offers solutions for our dysfunctional and expensive healthcare system. Dr. Bailey explores a successful model to restore family medicine to its former days of glory and prominence, so it can play a primary role in reforming our healthcare system, improving the wellness of US citizens, and substantially reducing the high cost of healthcare.

dr robert bailey with his book


